fabulous bloggish things

This is just a place where I can talk about things, I can write a lot of words (because I love words), and where my pals can comment on my thoughts, goings-on, and whatever else I feel like writing.

Friday, November 17, 2006

I feel like I need to blog. It has been too long. but unfortunately, I don't have a topic, so what you get is random thoughts!

*The shakey-wakeys are annoying. When I talked on sunday, I am pretty sure that was the first time I have ever talked in front of a group in my life. This might surprise some people, but I was shaking and all wobbeldy-trembly-is-my-heart-still-in-place-y. Let me tell you that was a werid feeling. It took both songs afterwards to stop with the shakey-wakeys. I felt kind of like I did last Friday when Kayle electrecuted me with a trick lighter - I know, she is mean, but it's OK I still love her - except it was on my insides. I hope you all get to have that feeling at some point. I wonder if pastors and stage actors get over that feeling?...But I was glad I talked nonetheless.
*I am PSKYKED OUT OF MY MIND!! about my rad new phone!! Man, phones are sweet. I mean, you can talk, and text, and take pics, and record stuff, and play games, and call people...ah, its incredible. And I have like, my own number. And I can take it with me wherever I go, even if I have to go to the trashcan and I get lost I can call Jake to come and rescue me, especially if there is a terrible terrifyingly ugly and mean dog that wants to eat me (it could happen). It is so rad when people call me on it!! Its like, the best.
*My musical is the funnest thing I've ever done, almost. I get to do all my favorite things, dance, sing, goof off, hang out with cool people, dress up, and wear beautiful clothes such as all the silly people of our day and time do not wear. When I grow up, I am going to have a job in which I get to wear pretty clothes every day. I just have no use for normal clothes. And I have a song from my musical that was written in like, the 1800s stuck in my head.
*Gossiping and critisizing stink. This week in D-groups I realized how messed up my toungue is. My toungue, in essence, makes me like a gold ring in a pigs snout, like the thing that starts a devestating wild fire, like the rudder that sends a ship into an iceburg or something. I have toungue problems, pretty much. But it was kind of cool because I asked to be convicted, and I was...It is funny how that works.
*Colorado is going to rock my socks off. Stephanie is going with me, and we are hopefully going to ski, and sled, and read by the fire, and have a wonderful face-stuffing ceremony for thanksgiving, and hang out together and beat each others pants off at Balderdash (me) and rummy (her). Its going to be awesome. I can't wait. She is going to be coming over here anytime now. And I am not done packing.
*I am in love with Skakspeare. He is amazing. He is clever, witty, profound, wise, and ironic. I want to be like shakespeare, and if he was still alive I might go nuts if I couldn't meet him. I want to read every play I can get my hands on!!
*Ha! I took a personality test, because Ellie said it was fun, and it was so way cool. I am an ENFP. It is so amazing how they can tell so muich about you from like, five minutes of questions. Anybody that wants to, here is the link: http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/JTypes2.asp. Then click on the links to see a description of your type. I'd love to hear what yalls are!
*I love sunsets. There is one outside this window I am next to. It is so beautiful how God renews the days, how he can every morning and night paint another masterpiece for our pleasure.
*I am thirsty. I am done thinking and I have places to go and people to see and clothes to pack. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving everyone, be thankful for the food you stuff your faces with.

Peace out,


Blogger Jonathan said...

It seems that I am the first to comment!! First of all randomness is awesome!! I tottally understand how you feel when you are on stage but I don't understand why people don't act that way in a normal conversation. It is the same pretty much right? I am sure that your new phone is awesome and I hope that you will be expecting some calls at like 1 A.M.!!! Jk...maybe... From what I hear the musical is going to be pretty tight and sounds really cool. Although gossiping and critisizingis bad it is sometimes really funny!! I mean...it is really bad and no one should do it...cough, cough.... You are so lucky that ya'll are getting to go to Colorado!! I haven't been on snow in such a long time I can't remember when the last time was! I took that test and found out I was an ENFJ, whatever that really means... I really like the sunsets as well but I also enjoy the sunrise. I am not thirsty. Hurray for randomness!! Have a safe trip! Later!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yah, that was totally 5 questions (I'm showing my personality already) So I'm a INTJ, Introverted Innovative Thinking Judge. That from a test where half of my true answers would have been "completely depends on the circumstance."

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha... BTW Brian she said 5 MINUTES worth of questions so just shut up! I was incredibly satisfied with the one it gave me. I am an INFJ (Introverted iNtuitive Feeling Judging) also known as Counselor Idealist. Click here for the link. It backs up all of my scientology theory in the fact that it says I have "ability to understand psychic phenomena and to have visions of human events, past, present, or future". If you weren't in our group for the murder mystery ignore the scientology (or read my second to latest blog post). Cool, I can read people's minds! Oh... anyway thanks for that, it's lots of fun.

Blogger Jonathan said...

http://typelogic.com/enfj.html Here is mine!! It says I am very charismatic! Boohya!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hehe, someones sore at me right now.

Blogger Jonathan said...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh he's just upset because I onloaded on him on Legmar's blog about how often he check's everyone's blog. BTW Brian- it's pretty obvious, you don't have to pay that much attention to notice it. It's especially obvious when you are always the first to comment even on Baker's blog! I'm not sore, I say shut up to you like I would to Baker... speaking of which- shut up Baker, it's none of your business! lol


Blogger Kayle said...

Hey girlie. Well, I am glad you still love me after the buzzing thingy.. haha. I AM SO PUMPED ABOUT YOUR PHONE!!!! (which is very strange, since it's yours.. lol.) Well, I can't wait till you come back from Colorado... Talk to you later!


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