Flippin Thursday with Faith...darn it.
Yeah, so I missed a lot of fridays...life is so...sporadic. Spasmatic. Spaztastic. Spazzy. Shnazzy. Ahem. I have been really busy though. Seriously, time seems to fly so fast these days. Everyday of the week we have somewhere to go, and on the days that we don't have anything scheduled we find things to do. Like last friday - I went to the mall with the Sosas and their cousin shopping for Easter finery. I also babysat four times in the last two weeks - that's a hundred dollars. Oh yeah, and it was for the same family. And in that family, their two-year-old, Jack, pretty much hates me. He throws fits just for the heck of it, and I swear if it was anyone but me it would be purely hilarious. But that whole hilarious thing kinda gets dampened when what I am trying to do is get him out of the street before a car smooshes him flat. Beats me why he had such a problem with that one. Oh, thank the Lord that I'm not two anymore - it is just a grace thing that we only have to stay at any certain age for one year. For instance - it really stunk to be me when I was 11. But hey, I am 14 now. I don't really know why it stunk to be 11, but things changed a LOT when I was 12. Then I turned 13 - I moved to France, I became friends with my brothers, I did the GA, I went to Hawaii, and it was sweet. Definitely sweet. And heck, I'm just getting started on this whole life thing! Between drama, Bible study, Dgroups, running around, other random things, and family time, I have been booked. I like it like that, though.
Anyways. What should I write about today? ... Singing in the band. Wow. Let me tell you - it is LOUD. You can seriously feel the bass in your stomache from on the stage. And, it is awkward. Don't get me wrong, I love it. But I definitely do not feel cool enough to be part of the Hypothetical Monkeys. I need to die my hair blue, or get my nose pierced, or something. Or at least find a tambourine. Another puzzlement to me is why you have to stand on the stage if you have a band. That is a little bit weird. For one thing, you can see everyone and what everyone is doing, whether they are singing, talking...or making faces at you, (won't mention any names on that one). Yet, it is pretty neat to see people worshipping God. Singing praises to my awesomely awesome God is probably my favorite thing in the world, and it is fun to sing into a mic. Ha.
What else...Pride and Prejudice. Jake and I are reading it for school, and I really love it. I have read it before, but it is even better the second time. Plus, I get to talk about it with Jake, and that is just funny. I wish that I was Elizabeth Bennet. She is not only amiable and good-natured, she is also quick-witted, light-hearted, and smart. Plus, a guy with a really sweet house and lots of money likes her. And on top of all that, she laughs at everything. Woah…maybe I am a little like her. Oh, wait, no, she doesn’t laugh at her own jokes. Nevermind. Anyways, I wish I could jump into books sometimes – that would be awesome. Like, Treasure Island. THAT would be awesome. Sometimes I have dreams about books, except they turn out all different because I am myself a main character; usually, I either save the day through all of my brilliant plans, I am rescued by the most handsome guy, or I wander around very confused for a long time and then I die by whatever means is fitting with whichever book I am reading. For example, in Treasure Planet, I was the cabin boy, uh…I think his name was John, in one scenario, and I came up with a brilliant plan to save the ship in one dream; in another, I was just a girl on board and John rescued me from the evil mutineers; and in one dream I think I drowned on my way to steal the ship in a canoe. Hm. That was weird. I just finished reading this book called Showdown – AJ lent it to me – and it was really creepy. I definitely stayed up til one in the morning reading it, and when I went to sleep I dreamed I was this boy in it, and I was really confused and people died horrible, distorted deaths, and I wished I hadn’t stayed up so late reading.
Anyway…I could also tell you a little bit about the play I am doing. It is called the Seussification of Romeo and Juliet, and so it’s basically a really humorous version of the story completely in rhyme that only lasts about an hour. Because I worked my tail off (while I was sick, no less) in February as an intern, I got to pick my part. I picked Juliet – but it’s always a toss-up I guess because it’s not at all what I was expecting. I will say this much, Romeo is two and a half feet shorter than me. However, I do get to yell the most well-known line in the play through a megaphone from the top of a ladder. “Romeo, baby-o baby-o buff! Wherefore art thou, Romeo – I can’t get enough!” …… yeah, that part is pretty fun. I also fall on the ground four times, and I kiss Romeo – who is two and a half feet shorter than me – three times. It’s pretty…funny. Parker, my brother, is in it too, and he plays my dad. He dances around a lot, which is hilarious. And Sam, my littlest brother, sweeps me off the stage when I am dead. We had practice today in full-costume – that was enough color and clashing patterns to make my head buzz all evening. But if the whole thing stinks, one thing will still be awesome: the costumes. They are totally rad. You can all look forward to me wearing my brothers costume pants after the show – they are the most incredible pants ever imaginable.
What else can I say? Life is good. God is good. On that note, I was reading in 2 Timothy and thought that this was pretty cool. I can’t really get enough of those ‘trust-worthy sayings’. And I especially like the last part…
11 Here is a trustworthy saying: If we died with him, we will also live with him; 12 if we endure, we will also reign with him. If we disown him, he will also disown us; 13 if we are faithless, he will remain faithful,
Oh yeah, and today I read one of my favorite verses, Titus 1:12, “Even one of their own prophets has said, ‘Cretans are always liars, evil brutes, lazy gluttons.’” I was laughing at the Cretans until I started to wonder why God had that in the Bible if it was only for them… I guess I already knew I was an evil brute, Jake Box kindly reminds me every once in a while.
Ok, I am out. Peace out, in fact.
Labels: play, pride and prejudice, singing in band