Some Blogging
I haven't blogged in a long time, but I have written a lot of posts in my mind, so I will try to summarize them all into a serries of asterisks. I do, in fact, enjoy having a blog, and I have kept up with everyone elses, but I really don't think anyone reads my blog anyway, therefore I didn't feel the need to burden my extremely full schedule with writing a post. Today is your lucky day, because I don't feel like doing school and I am not doing anything theater-related until this evening!
*First, I will elaborate on my theory on video games. This seems appropriate because the youth group now has all three next generation video game consoles, bringing to light their intense geekiness and lots of conversation about video games. I think that my long standing, deep rooted hatred of video games must have started when I was very little. We had something called a sega genesis, and as soon as Jake was old enough to care, long gone were the hours that he had used to play with me. I remember when Jake liked to play beanie babies with me, and we had a huge story going about how we ran an orphanage, which adopted every beanie baby we owned, which was every one ever made. But my brothers forsook that, and even more; the batman toys, the rescue heroes, even the legos for as many hours as were permited to them on the sega. Oh, I tried to join them. I wasn't oblivious to the magnetic-seeming draw of that little black box, with the cords connecting the contollers, and the laughter, and hollering that came from that room. I tried to figure out what the deal was, and even played it a few times. But instead of helping me to enjoy the game, my brothers never failed to ignor my pleas for help, and slaughter me on whatever game it was. Except Barnie, I did ok on that one. But every other game I lost again and agian, not even understanding how the buttons worked in my young, oh so young nature. Alas, as I gave up, in came the computer games, the play station, the nintindo, the gameboy, the xbox. I grew away from those things, alone in my room coloring, reading, and playing with my stuffed animals all alone. I began to notice why all my female friends and I did not understand the draw; namely, the killing, slashing, hitting, fighting, crashing, smashing, trashing, blood, exlamations of pain, and/or violence. (I will allow that there are exceptions...but they are the snare) Now, in my ever increasng maturity, I can see what all you unknowing, enamored geeks can't - that they are slowly taking over the world. There is, I am certain, a mastermind (possibly the devil himself) behind all the gaming producion. One day, ater all of the earth's youth are fully corrupted, he or she will release a fatal virus through the entire system, that will radioactively enslave all human kind over a period of time. I will not be ensnared; no, I and the few people who stand strong will unite against that force of evil, and painfully save the world. It will be difficult, but one day, we will be heroes because we resisted. That's my theory, anyway.
*Moving on, I would like to talk about...uh...Oh, yeah, my musical! I don't know how I could have ever forgotten. The songs - stuck infernally in my head. The people - my constant companions. The theater - my second home. The make up - almost flaying my face. The costumes - similar to my skin. The lines - branded upon my memory. Basically. The shows started the 19th, and tonight is the last night! Hallelujah! You know how sometimes, the last show might be said to be somewhat bittersweet? Sad, while yet relieving? Uh, NO. I am so ready for this thing to be over, I am going to throw a party in the shower tonight, before I go to sleep! I am going to be jumping around backstage, just thrilled to get it over with; singing with extra vigor from the simple joy of the hope of imminent releif! Ah. Not to say at all that this has not been a wonderful experience. It has! I have had so much fun, and seriously, I am so at home on stage. I am in my element. I would be an actress if it was at all possible. And God majorly answered my prayers that through the whole deal I would have an opportunity to glorify Him, which is the ultimate awesomeness. So I'm so good - double whammy: answered prayer and the thing is going to be OVER. This is a great day.
*I have to go now. I am going to go cheer on my little bros at their basketball game, so I am out.
Labels: ending musical, video games