Happy New Year!! It is 40 minutes past midnight in Austin but 20 til here in Pagosa Springs.
This has been the best year of my life. I don't know how I can possibly top this year, but I am psyked out of my mind for next year anyways!! God is so cool, I know he has a way more awesome story for my life than I coul ever imagine. That ROCKS! Like, I will probably never tell the story like I imagine it now, "the year of 2006 was the best year imaginable, and it set the course for my life and I never had a year so incredibly cool. Heck yes, it was so sweet and tight and awesome!!" I see myself telling my grandkids that when I am like, 82 and all those hip adjectives will be so, so out of date that it will just be wrong to say them. And they will look at all the awesome pictures of me and my rockin' pals and be like, woah, how the HECK did they go out in public?!...
Yep, the future is a sweet thing when you're where I'm at. Sometimes the place I'm at is at a loss for words. Or at the end of my energy and ready for bed. I hope I get over this SLEEP SLEEP MUST HAVE MORE SLEE.....zzzzzzzZZZZZ phase in 2007...
Nighty night everyone. Miss ya, wish I was there in Austin with you, see you next Sunday and will try to write the post I've been steeping for a while now before I leave. Out.